Former Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, Ambassador, Climate Advocate, Founding Partner and CEO of onepoint5
Entrepreneur, visionary business leader and former professional sailor
Adventurer and Performance Expert
Leadership speaker, Best-selling author, Award-winning Businesswoman
Global Thought Leader and Practitioner in Regenerative Investment Strategies
Engineer, physician, and entrepreneur best known for being the founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation
Technology Entrepreneur, Lecturer and Author
Growth keynote speaker and thought leader
Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, and Futurist
Global thought leader, Social Innovator, Founder & CEO TIE Leadership, International Bestselling Author: Return on Humanity, Leadership evolution expert, Consultant, Speaker, Podcast host and creator of TIE Unearthed
Serial entrepreneur, retail and leisure business guru, CEO/Entrepreneur, Turnaround and Transformation expert
Former US Presidential Advisor, Former Advisor to the UK Cabinet, Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author, Tech Entrepreneur
Film maker and leading expert on e-commerce in China
Founder CEO of CENTURY Tech and BBC AI Decoded correspondent
One of Germany’s best-known sports stars
Founder of 1000 Days Out and author of the upcoming AI Product Design Handbook
Former Head of Marketing at Facebook and Founder of Zuckerberg Media
Senior Fellow of the British Foreign Policy Group, founder of Rebeccanomics the strategic advisory firm, and founder/CEO of the Centre for Economic Security
Visionary leader with employee-centric approach to management
Senior Vice President and Chief Learning Officer, McDonald’s Corporation
Humorous business motivational speaker
Transformational Change CEO and Investor in Disruptive Businesses
The Corporate Philosopher, Advisor on Culture and Ethics to the UK’s Financial Reporting Council
Resilience, High Performance Expert