International News Anchor, Presenter of Across the Balkans on TRT World, Moderator, Facilitator, Event Host, Keynote Speaker
Rwandan-Belgian female racing driver, TV presenter, Sky Sports F1 Team Analyst, and co-presenter on Sky Sports F1 show "Any Driven Monday"
Head of Creative Equity at Channel 4, International Public Speaker, Broadcast TV Producer/Director, Entrepreneur
First ever female Olympic boxing champion and the first Brit to successfully defend an Olympic boxing title
Eurofighter Pilot, ESA Reserve Astronaut
British Touring Car Championship driver who overcome Spastic Diplegia
Senior Leader in the World of Formula 1 for over 25 years
Entrepreneur, Creative consultant, Facilitator & Cultural curator
Presenter, Creator, Charity Patron
Indian Social Entrepreneur & Disability Rights Activist
Third child of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, speaker on Human Rights Issues
Founder of MTV World, Champion of unheard voices and creator of untold stories
Author of Diversity Capitalism
Acclaimed author of the book 'Queeristan: LGBTQ Inclusion in the Indian Workplace', Founder - Godrej DEI Lab; TED Senior Fellow, Aspen Fellow and Yale World Fellow
Former Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, Ambassador, Climate Advocate, Founding Partner and CEO of onepoint5
Former Chief Talent Officer, Netflix and Workplace Innovator
Former Rally Champion & Leading Authority on Mental Toughness
Founder of Global Minds Initiative
British entrapreneur and former 'Dragon' on the BBC Two business series Dragons' Den
Gender and Climate Expert, Founder and Executive Director, EmpoderaClima, Master of Public Policy, Harvard University
Globally Recognised Inclusive Leadership Keynote Speaker
Cleric, Broadcaster and Former Communard
Authority on the Disruptive Digital Economy & Fintech Expert
Creative entrepreneur, co-founder of British video game developer Bossa Studios