Founder of Solarcentury and SolarAid Former Chairman, Carbon Tracker First Hillary Laureate for International Leadership in Climate Change Britain's Most Respected Green Energy Boss
Economic and Environmental Though Leader
Silicon Valley Entrepreneur
The world’s #1 brain coach, author of 'Limitless'
AI & Tech Visionary, Founder & CEO of Precognition, Focus: AI Ethics and Human Empowerment
Speaker, Writer and Creator - Race, Culture and Health
Organisational Psychologist, Best-Selling New York Times Author & CEO
Derivatives Trader turned Behavioural Neuroscientist
Moderator, Journalist, Diversity and Inclusion Expert
Global Thought Leader, Social Innovator and Founder of Business for Good
Co-founder of Green & Black's chocolate company
Mexican architect, founder and CEO of the Chicago-based international architecture firm SPACE
Founder & CEO Trans+ Solidarity Alliance, TEDx Speaker, Trans Awareness Trainer, Award winning Speaker & Campaigner
Pulitzer Prize-winning American investigative journalist, New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Markup
Award-winning and internationally bestselling author, Academic Researcher and Expert in online radicalisation, Conspiracy Myths and Threats to Democracy
Canadian rocket scientist and cross-cultural communication expert
TV Presenter, Diversity Expert, Award-Winning Author and Former Director of Creative Diversity at the BBC
Acclaimed childrens rights' activist and joint 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Serial Entrepreneur and Digital Activist
Danish stage director. Recent Director of Opera for the Royal Opera House in London
Leading Expert in Social Robotics and MIT Media Lab Research Scientist
Bestselling author on women and innovation
U.S. Special Correspondent for BBC Studios, Award-winning Journalist, and Bestselling Author
Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Author, and Indigenous Speaker