Mikko Hypponen Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerMikko Hypponen

Global Computer Security Expert and Privacy Researcher

Mikko Hypponen is one of the most recognized cyber security experts world-wide, an AI researcher, and a best-selling author. Mikko works as the Chief Research Officer for WithSecure and Principal Research Advisor for F-Secure. Hypponen’s TED Talk has been seen by 2 million people and translated into 40 languages. He... Read More

Popular Talks

  • Fighting Viruses, Defending the Net
  • Three Types of Online Attack
  • PRISM and NSA Surveillance on world citizens
  • Hacking, Hackers and Online Criminals
  • Leaks and Whistleblowers
  • More talks


Mikko Hypponen is one of the most recognized cyber security experts world-wide, an AI researcher, and a best-selling author. Mikko works as the Chief Research Officer for WithSecure and Principal Research Advisor for F-Secure.

Hypponen’s TED Talk has been seen by 2 million people and translated into 40 languages. He has served as a board member for the Nordic Business Forum and as an advisor for the Monetary Authority of Singapore, EUROPOL and Verge Motorcycles. He was selected among the 50 most important people on the web by the PC World magazine and was included in the FP Global 100 Thinkers list.

Mikko Hypponen has written for the New York Times, Wired and Scientific American, and lectured at the universities of Oxford, Stanford and Cambridge. His latest book has been translated to 5 languages. Mikko has delivered hundreds of talks in over 40 countries over the last 30 years, including keynotes in the most important security conferences such as DEF CON and Black Hat Asia.

“We organized an event where Mikko made a presentation to a diverse group of 400 senior executives. He was extremely engaging and informative. His presentation was a nice blend of the latest facts and informed predictions delivered in an entertaining style. I would highly recommend Mikko for an enlightening look at the latest trends on cybersecurity.” Michael Wade, Professor of Innovation and Strategy, IMD Business School
“Mikko exhibits a remarkable capacity to make complex technical concepts easy to understand, uncoupling the relevant from the mere buzz, and bringing notable anecdotes and first-hand accounts to his storytelling.” Bruno Giussani, European director, TED
“Mikko made us think and he made us laugh. As a speaker, he was very knowledgeable and inspirational. He made us hope that the talk wouldn’t end just yet!” Emilia Häyrynen MSD
"Few security professionals possess the public speaking skills necessary to convey supreme technical expertise. Hypponen is that rarity." Wired

Popular Talks by Mikko Hypponen

  • Fighting Viruses, Defending the Net
  • Three Types of Online Attack
  • PRISM and NSA Surveillance on world citizens
  • Hacking, Hackers and Online Criminals
  • Leaks and Whistleblowers
  • Online Espionage
  • Online Privacy