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Keynote SpeakerMike Sigal

Renowned early-stage Fintech investor

Mike Sigal is a Partner at 500 Startups, a Fintech Fund and Fintech accelerator. With over 225 investments in 26 countries, including Credit Karma, Grab, RealtyShares, Simple (acquired by BBVA) and Stripe, 500 Startups is the world’s most active early-stage investor supporting the digital transformation of financial services.   Sigal is also co-founder of Upside Partners, a Silicon Valley-based consultancy that helps corporations and institutions develop operational excellence in innovation through the application of startup and venture investor best practices.... Read More


Mike Sigal is a Partner at 500 Startups, a Fintech Fund and Fintech accelerator. With over 225 investments in 26 countries, including Credit Karma, Grab, RealtyShares, Simple (acquired by BBVA) and Stripe, 500 Startups is the world’s most active early-stage investor supporting the digital transformation of financial services.


Sigal is also co-founder of Upside Partners, a Silicon Valley-based consultancy that helps corporations and institutions develop operational excellence in innovation through the application of startup and venture investor best practices.


Over the past 9 years, Sigal has been aligned with the accelerating innovation in the global financial services industry. As Founding Executive Producer of SWIFT’s Innotribe Startup Challenge programmes, Sigal built the world’s largest FinTech startup competition that has resulted in an estimated US$850 million in investments, acquisitions and partnerships between participating startups, SWIFT’s member institutions and FinTech investors globally. He serves as Silicon Valley Ambassador for InnovateFinance, and a non-executive Director of the Digital Finance Institute.


Mike Sigal has spent 25 years working in the global startup ecosystem as an entrepreneur and innovation advisor, including as founder of 7 companies (3 exits, 1 IPO) and advisor to dozens of institutions on implementing startup ecosystem inspired innovation strategies.

Popular Talks by Mike Sigal

  • Financial Services
  • Startups
  • Fintech
  • Digital Transformation