Marcus East Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerMarcus East

Leading Technology Thinker, Former Apple and Google Executive, AI Innovator, Researcher and Author

Marcus East is a former Google executive and innovative technologist with three decades of experience at the forefront of disruption and is doing pioneering research into the use of AI at Pepperdine University. He has a genuinely unique perspective because he has worked on both sides of the disruption equation.... Read more


Marcus East is a former Google executive and innovative technologist with three decades of experience at the forefront of disruption and is doing pioneering research into the use of AI at Pepperdine University. He has a genuinely unique perspective because he has worked on both sides of the disruption equation. Half of his career has been spent in Big Tech (IBM, Apple, and Google), creating disruptive technologies, and the other half in traditional organizations that are being disrupted, including Marks and Spencer, National Geographic, and T-Mobile.

This experience led him to write his forthcoming book “Working with Dinosaurs,” where he explores the challenges of riding the disruption wave, with a particular focus on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation.

Notable achievements throughout his career include:

● Expert-in-Residence at the University of Oxford’s Foundry, helping to launch several AI-based ventures based on PhD research from the college.
● Developing the FROST platform that powers Comic Relief’s fundraising efforts, raising billions of dollars to save lives around the world.
● Creating the Accessibility and Digital Marketing Centers of Excellence within Apple IS&T, working across a global portfolio of world-class IT initiatives.
● Leading the Product & Technology functions at National Geographic, which introduced AI for the brand and the award-winning National Geographic app, powering its successful digital transformation.
● Was a Technical Director reporting to Google Cloud’s CTO, working on world-changing initiatives, including the building of the world’s first AI-based insurance syndicate.
● Architecting T-Mobile’s digital-first, AI-driven, data-informed strategy and roadmap.

Popular Talks by Marcus East

  • Navigating Disruption
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  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
    This is a thought-provoking talk on the ethical dimensions of AI and how they will challenge organizations’ use of AI. Marcus will explore the ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment, including bias, fairness, transparency, and accountability. Learn how to navigate the moral landscape of AI and build a responsible...
  • How AI is changing lives
    Marcus has been actively involved in using AI in health tech since his role as Expert-in-Residence at the University of Oxford’s Foundry, where he helped many brilliant scientists turn their ideas into business ventures. He remains an advisor or investor to many AI-driven pioneers, including: – Oxford Cancer Analytics is...
  • What's Next?
    AI is the current buzzword and will undoubtedly radically change organizations and our lives. But what’s next? What future technological advances should CEOs and their leadership teams explore and prepare for to stay one step ahead of the competition? Marcus uses his experience in Google’s Office of the CTO to...