Johan Eriksson is an engineer from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Throughout his life he has always been working in both large organizations such as Google, ABB and Procter & Gamble as well as with start-ups in parallel. This has enabled Johan Eriksson to always have an... Read more
Johan Eriksson is an engineer from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Throughout his life he has always been working in both large organizations such as Google, ABB and Procter & Gamble as well as with start-ups in parallel.
This has enabled Johan Eriksson to always have an outside-in perspective on the work he’s doing. Today Johan leads Measurement & Analytics for Google Northern Europe. Johan is engaged in many projects that strives to have a net positive impact on society. This includes start-ups in mental health and sustainability, initiatives striving to better measure societal progress as well as projects to accelerate lifelong learning. That said, to improve society we need to work against polarization and for a common understanding of different perspectives.
Most problems we need to solve don’t have an easy solution, so we need to embrace complexity. Johan believes that one of the biggest challenges with society today is the lack of places for deep, data-driven and caring conversations where people can truly understand each other and solve problems together. As the world is always changing, Johan is committed to lifelong learning and innovation as the only long-term sustainable strategy. Johan believes that the compass for individuals and organizations needs to be very clear values, and the most important value is unconditional love.
The world seems to keep changing. How do you set yourself and your organization up for success in a changing world? Johan goes through how to take the leadership position in change, how to navigate change, and how to work with learning and innovation to move forward and lead change.