Gilles Babinet Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerGilles Babinet

Digital Champion of France & Multi-entrepreneur

Gilles Babinet is a French multi-entrepreneur, born in 1967 in Paris. Since 1989, he has created 9 companies in various areas, such as mobile music (Musiwave, sold $139M in 2006), co-creation (Eyeka), Big Data marketing (CaptainDash). He is also vice-president of the National Digital Council as well as Digital Champion,... Read more


Gilles Babinet is a French multi-entrepreneur, born in 1967 in Paris. Since 1989, he has created 9 companies in various areas, such as mobile music (Musiwave, sold $139M in 2006), co-creation (Eyeka), Big Data marketing (CaptainDash). He is also vice-president of the National Digital Council as well as Digital Champion, representing France at the European Commission for digital matters.

Gilles is a well known digital visionary in France. He has been collaborating with the Think Tank Institut Montaigne on several research works on digital competitiveness, digital inclusion, big data, IoT… In 2011, he was appointed chairman of the National Digital Council by the President Nicolas Sarkozy. From 2012 until 2018, Gilles was the French Digital Champion, representing France at the European Commission for the digital topics. He is also a teacher at SciencesPo Paris, and returned to the National digital Council as Vice-Chair in June 2018.

Gilles Babinet published his first book in January 2014, “l’Ère numérique, un nouvel âge de l’humanité“, whereas he discusses the impact of new technologies on our societies, our lives and our institutions. Throughout his book, he identifies five areas such as Education, Healthcare, the State, Knowledge and Production, that are deeply challenged in the context of the ongoing digital revolution. His new book, “ Big Data : penser l’homme et le monde autrement”, came out in February 2015 and deals with economic and social issues linked to the eruption of the data. In 2017, Gilles recently published another book « Transformation digitale, l’avènement des plateformes » on the digital transformation as it should be implemented in large companies. He last book, (Nov 2020) is titled “Refondre les politiques publiques avec le Numérique” and focuses on how government and public services should embrace the digital revolution.  Gilles is also a teacher at Sciences-Po about Public Policies & Digital.

Finally Gilles Babinet is a member of many boards, including EY and EDF Foundation.

Popular Talks by Gilles Babinet

  • Big Data
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Blockchain
  • Digital Transformation
  • Entrepreneurship