Workplace wellbeing & mental health expert consultant
Director and Host of Documentaries, Journalist, Experienced Moderator
Renowned Global Strategist
Renowned Biosocial Scientist
Thought Leader, Philosopher and Founding Director of Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute
Best known for hosting of the BBC TV show Crimewatch for 23 years
Presenter, Creator, Charity Patron
Third child of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, speaker on Human Rights Issues
French Government Minister 2009-12
Biologist, Scientist and Lecturer of Sustainability and Environment, Founder of Felix Rodriguez de La Fuente Foundation
President, Gapminder Foundation
Principal Consultant and Founder at UNICITI
Chairman Amref Health Africa International Board
Founder & CEO of Climate Alpha, Founder & Managing Partner of FutureMap
Acclaimed author of the book 'Queeristan: LGBTQ Inclusion in the Indian Workplace', Founder - Godrej DEI Lab; TED Senior Fellow, Aspen Fellow and Yale World Fellow
Authority on developing markets and financial opportunities within the world’s poorest countries
Award Winning British Journalist, Broadcaster and Author
The High Performance Mastermind
Engineer, physician, and entrepreneur best known for being the founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation
Bestselling Author and Professor of Global History at Oxford University
Singer-songwriter, musician and humanitarian activist
Technology Entrepreneur, Lecturer and Author
Mayor, former MP and senator, global crisis management consultancy and government law
Founder of Global Minds Initiative