Philippe Dewost Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerPhilippe Dewost

360° Innovation & (Digital) Transformation Veteran

Philippe Dewost has built a dual corporate & startup track in high tech and telecom, and is recognized since the past 20 years as an innovation driven, game changing, and inspiring speaker. For the past 8 years, he has been engaging in Keynotes for conferences, corporate seminars, executive programs as... Read more


Philippe Dewost has built a dual corporate & startup track in high tech and telecom, and is recognized since the past 20 years as an innovation driven, game changing, and inspiring speaker.

For the past 8 years, he has been engaging in Keynotes for conferences, corporate seminars, executive programs as well as education sessions both in English and French — for audiences ranging from 35 to 3500 persons.

Topics revolve around technology, humanity and governance in such diverse areas as : blockchain, a brief history of the future, man machine interfaces, the open-source hardware revolution, smart cities, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and mobility infrastructures, new space frontiers, tech geopolitics and digital sovereignty, leadership and permission, 12th century monuments and startups, Tech innovation ecosystems (La French Tech), …

As Wanadoo co-founder, Philippe Dewost helped build Europe’s #1 ISP, held senior marketing and business positions in european startups, relaunched Orange France Telecom’s home devices business successfully, and ran a Cambridge (UK) imaging startup that was acquired by Apple in 2010 and whose technology is used half a billion times per day.

He has deployed Leonard, VINCI Group’s Corporate Innovation and Transformation Program, by combining a series of exploration groups ranging across 7 key future topics (Autonomous Vehicle, Climatic Resilience, AI, …) with an Intrapreneurship Program currently considered as a reference by other large Corporates.

Philippe Dewost had previously led a €4,25 Bn digital programme for the French Government – the Investments for The Future Program, inspired La French Tech, and initiated a joint Blockchain R&D effort with 27 institutions and partners.

A graduate in Physics at Normale Sup (Ulm), former Midship in the French Navy, Philippe Dewost holds a Master in Telecommunications from Telecom ParisTech and a MBA from Collège des Ingénieurs.

Popular Talks by Philippe Dewost

  • FrenchTech
  • Blockchain
  • Smart Cities
  • AI
  • Big data
  • Innovation