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Keynote SpeakerJon Hammond

Specialist in Impactful Communication

Reputations, both organisational and personal are precious commodities, especially in times of pressure and stress. Jon Hammond has been preserving, enhancing, and protecting the reputations of major organisations and leaders for over 30 years. As a speaker he is a recognised specialist in impactful communication, whether it is face to face or, more recently the demand has been to show companies how to be most effective virtually. As an Executive Coach, he advises organisations on communication strategy and supports leaders... Read More


Reputations, both organisational and personal are precious commodities, especially in times of pressure and stress.

Jon Hammond has been preserving, enhancing, and protecting the reputations of major organisations and leaders for over 30 years. As a speaker he is a recognised specialist in impactful communication, whether it is face to face or, more recently the demand has been to show companies how to be most effective virtually.

As an Executive Coach, he advises organisations on communication strategy and supports leaders to deliver really impactful messages. As a (Live or Virtual) Conference or Event Host, Jon puts his many years of experience and professionalism into creating an event for you to be justifiably proud of.

He will captivate your team with stories from a lifetime of influencing audiences, both at conferences and events (his maximum live audience at present is 50,000 people!) or on Radio and TV, ensuring that whilst enjoyable, the key relevant messages have an impact and an outcome for your people.

His childhood ambition was to be an auctioneer so he trained as a surveyor, however, a passion and energy for travel and discovering new things led him to become a DJ across Europe. It was then a natural progression to move into broadcasting, initially, pioneering in commercial music radio and then for sixteen years with BBC Radio and Television.

During this time, Jon hosted a variety of programmes from hard news to light entertainment and interviewed a vast range of guests from Prime Ministers to Corporate Heads and International Celebrities to Sporting Stars. This experience has made him an in-demand host for ensuring conferences (live or virtual) are on time, have momentum and interest, and more importantly have a resilient outcome.

With a firm belief in ‘putting back’ he is a Deputy Leiutenant for West Yorkshire – England, Freeman of the UK Guild of Entrepreneurs, Vice-President of Northern Ballet Theatre, a Governor of York St John University, and uses his compering and auctioneering skills to raise large amounts for several charities.

Popular Talks by Jon Hammond

  • Communication Strategies
  • Effective Message Delivery
  • Enhancing reputation
  • Leadership