Harriet Waley-Cohen Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerHarriet Waley-Cohen

Leadership and Health Coach

Hunted down to speak for audiences including Microsoft, WeAreTheCity, Barclays and Invesco, Harriet Waley-Cohen has empowered thousands of people over the last 15 years to believe in themselves and their potential. Harriet Waley-Cohen has been through multiple transformations herself and knows what it takes to make deep rooted changes that... Read More

Popular Talks

  • Turn Your Inner Critic into An Inner Cheerleader
  • From Imposter to Invincible
  • How to be Calm, Energised & Productive
  • Speak Up for Yourself with Confidence
  • From Self-Sabotage to Success
  • More talks


Hunted down to speak for audiences including Microsoft, WeAreTheCity, Barclays and Invesco, Harriet Waley-Cohen has empowered thousands of people over the last 15 years to believe in themselves and their potential.

Harriet Waley-Cohen has been through multiple transformations herself and knows what it takes to make deep rooted changes that stick, and to get through tough times and come out the other side stronger and wiser than ever. Harriet is 16 years in recovery from addictions, left an unhappy marriage and went on to thrive, shifted from a 10-year banking career into motherhood and entrepreneurship, lives with a permanent pain condition after being driven into on the motorway in 2016, and is a recent breast cancer survivor.

Harriet’s mission is to make sure people know their true value. She empowers her clients and audiences to leave behind self-doubt, disempowering patterns and overwhelm in favour of new ways of thinking, feeling and acting that create confidence, wellbeing and success. She is described by Vanessa Vallely OBE, MD of WeAreThe City as ‘a real superwoman who empowers others wherever she goes.’

Harriet’s style is authentic, engaging and interactive, leaving her audiences with practical tools and processes they can use right away for maximum impact and transformation. Her topics sit especially well under the diversity and inclusion framework: mental health & emotional wellbeing, empowering women, and confidence building.

"Harriet was one of our speakers at WeAreFutureLeaders, a conference that supports the next generation of female talent. Harriet’s talk was exceptionally well received by all our guests, the feedback was nothing short of amazing. Harriet has this wonderful ability that allows people to show their vulnerabilities and in turn be their most authentic selves. She is a wonderfully inspiring speaker who I have no hesitation in recommending. A real super woman who empowers others wherever she goes." WeAreTheCity
"I attended Harriet’s resilience talk and found it inspirational and insightful, along with having some great ideas for different ways to think. It was also wonderful that Harriet not only spoke from educated knowledge but also and perhaps more valuably, personal experience. As a current employee, long-time people leader and someone with my own experiences of the trials and tribulations of life I found Harriet’s talk really wonderful!." Rolls Royce
"Harriet is an amazing speaker; her energy, vulnerability, presence and heart-felt delivery kept the audience fully engaged. I could see and feel the audience connecting with her and her message; I know from feedback that Harriet’s talk changed many people’s mindset and helped them to grow. As the organiser of a regular multi-speaker event, this is exactly what I want from speakers and for my audience." LoveX
"Harriet is a pleasure to work with as a speaker. As someone who works with over 100 different speakers every year, Harriet is one of my favourites and she never disappoints. She is very professional and captivates the audience with ease. Having had Harriet speak at my events on many occasions, I look forward to working with her again in the future. I highly recommend her for all speaking events." Interesting Talks London

Popular Talks by Harriet Waley-Cohen

  • Turn Your Inner Critic into An Inner Cheerleader
    Revolutionise your inner dialogue to boost confidence, emotional wellbeing and success. Understand the inner critic’s root and true purpose. Get clarity on how an inner critic manifests for you and controls you. Practical, immediately implementable take-aways for dialling down the volume and power of your inner critic. How to activate...
  • From Imposter to Invincible
    Let go of imposter syndrome and learn how you can fulfil your potential, and know you fully deserve it. Learn what imposter syndrome looks and feels like, and where it comes from. Get clear of what to let go of, what to accept about yourself and what to start doing...
  • How to be Calm, Energised & Productive
    • Identify barriers preventing you from being calm, energised and productive.
    • Links between the three areas and how they interplay.
    • Practical take-aways in each area to up level performance and total wellbeing, facilitating each participant to create a unique roadmap for themselves to make positive changes.
  • Speak Up for Yourself with Confidence
    • The role of body language and the body in general in feeling and conveying confidence rather than anxiety or self-doubt.
    • Language hacks that will get you taken much more seriously.
    • Easy to use structures to open and navigate difficult conversations such as boundary setting, saying no and negotiate change.
  • From Self-Sabotage to Success
    The science behind why we self-sabotage and the different ways sabotage shows up behaviourally. Learn how to get out of your own way and nip sabotage in the bud including how to increase self-awareness and self-belief. Identifying and focusing on the impact you want to make, your legacy and vision,...
  • Unleash Your Inner Power Woman
    • The 5 key ways women hold themselves back, and how to break free.
    • Identify disempowering and restrictive patterns, what to do instead.
    • Create accountability and support networks to supercharge your potential.
  • Emotional Wellbeing Masterclass
    Understand emotions including the more unpleasant ones, so that they shift from becoming your enemies to powerful allies. Learn how to proactively manage emotional wellbeing, with each participant creating a personally tailored action plan to support them going forwards. Discover how to calmly and quickly deal with curve balls. How...
  • Beyond Surviving to Thriving: Resilience 101
    Shifting from victim mentality to adaptability no matter what life throws at you. The shifts internally needed to become resilient in dealing with stress and challenging emotions, and how to make them. The role of creativity and self-belief in resilience. Using your network to broaden your support structures. Resilience during...
  • Progress, Not Perfection
    • Understand what perfectionism looks and feels like, including its more toxic elements.
    • The scientific research on the causes of toxic perfectionism.
    • How to shift to the healthier, more productive paradigm of progress and self-validation. Comparison between a wellbeing first approach, and a productivity or achievement-based paradigm.