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Keynote SpeakerElin Hauge

Futurist, artificial intelligence expert, and business strategist

Artificial intelligence (AI) is probably the most disruptive technological development in human history, and it is ubiquitous; from the facial recognition on your smartphone to supply chain optimization, from food production to medical research, from online shopping to human-like content generators. Although artificial intelligence has been an academic discipline for... Read More

Popular Talks

  • Artificial intelligence beyond the fog of hype and hysteria
  • Trustworthy AI - an oxymoron?
  • Strategy and decision-making in the era of artificial intelligence - from decision-making to exception-making
  • Digital is not (necessarily) sustainable
  • Blockchain
  • More talks


Artificial intelligence (AI) is probably the most disruptive technological development in human history, and it is ubiquitous; from the facial recognition on your smartphone to supply chain optimization, from food production to medical research, from online shopping to human-like content generators.

Although artificial intelligence has been an academic discipline for six decades, it was the launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI in November 2022 that really made AI a common topic. Now, AI is omnipresent and everybody has an opinion about it. Nonetheless, navigating in this landscape clouded by both hype and fear may be a daunting challenge. According to Elin Hauge, understanding the basics of artificial intelligence should be as compulsory for any leader in 2024 as having a computer. She claims that knowledge and competence is the only viable path for sustainable and profitable decision-making in the era of artificial intelligence.

Elin has built bridges between data-fuelled technologies and business value for more than 20 years, with AI as her main area of expertise. Through her work with business leaders and tech entrepreneurs, she has developed an exceptional ability to connect the dots between business strategy and the application of AI. She brings new perspectives to known challenges, relentlesslydemystifying jargon and buzz words, and is always three steps ahead with her perspectives on sustainability, responsibility, regulation, and disruption.

She has a humoristic, down-to-earth, and pragmatic approach to what is actually possible with AI here and now, what’s responsible to do in the context of both your company and the society, and what you as a leader need to understand to make the right decisions. She then takes the futurist perspective, looking five steps ahead at the potential scenarios and future outcomes, challenging our established beliefs and points-of view.

Regulation of artificial intelligence has become a key global topic. Different regions have different approaches to regulation, e.g. USA, the EU, and China. Regulation means compliance requirements, and also defines certain prohibited applications. In her talks, Elin breaks down key elements of the relevant regulation to digestible and actionable elements.

Elin systematically brings in the human perspective; “it is up to us – the humans – to design the future of artificial intelligence to be human-more, not human-less.” In her talks, she provides tangible and well-grounded recommendations for how to reap real benefits with AI, how to comply with regulations, and how to embrace AI as an integral and sustainable part of your business or organization.

Elin Hauge holds a MEng in Biophysics and Medical Technology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a MSc in Management Science and Operational Research from Warwick Business School. Recently, she has also embarked upon law studies to further strengthen her ability to connect the dots between responsible and accountable business practices and regulation. Her strong academic background from mathematics and physics, combined with broad business experience, provides a rock-solid foundation for her perspectives on the revolutionary opportunities and complex challenges with and around artificial intelligence.

"As a conference organizer I have been very impressed with Elin’s clear, down to earth speaking style. She provides new perspectives to challenging topics while pragmatically explaining AI, eco-systems, digital transformation – all with energy and humor. If you want to educate and inspire your team to think differently, Elin is a perfect choice. As a global speaker I have participated in many conferences and panels – however the one organized and moderated by Elin was truly extraordinary. She assembled a topic notch set of panelists with diverse views, planned and held us accountable to be prepared then moderated the discussion with ease, humor and great insights. I highly recommend her for any panel moderation and planning." Jennifer Vessels Partner, The Future Work Forum
“Elin Hauge has a fantastic way of cutting through the noise and sharing what’s relevant. This was the best presentation on AI I’ve seen so far.” Steven O’Neill, Partner Business Manager, HPE Ireland
“Elin Hauge has an authentic, intelligent, and engaging way of communicating, with an edge that inspires attention and action. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to listen to her keynote on the Metaverse Mania.” Cecilia Karlsen Gnaly
"Spot-on keynote about a highly relevant topic; artificial intelligence. Elin was well prepared, with storyline and key takeaways tailored for our domain." Kartverket / Norwegian Mapping Authority
"Highly challenging and engaging keynote on a very important topic; sustainability vs digitalization – we are very satisfied :) !" Embriq AS
"Elin is an engaging speaker. She was the last of three speakers on the same topic, and managed in a very smooth way to adjust to the previous speakers, and complement and round off the topic with relevant takeaways." Vestfold IT-arena
"Elin has an amazing presence and makes intense an intriguing connections with the audience. She is clear, moves her audience along, and is very well informed on the topic and fully prepared. I must say, as an AI professional myself, Elin’s talk was quite inspirational." Inge Grini, Founder & CEO Intellectual Labs AS

Popular Talks by Elin Hauge

  • Artificial intelligence beyond the fog of hype and hysteria
    The launch of chatGPT made artificial intelligence (AI), and in particular generative AI, the hottest topic of 2023. Everybody has an opinion about it, ranging from starstruck awe to existential fear. At the same time, authorities and business professionals alike predict that artificial intelligence will be the single most important...
  • Trustworthy AI - an oxymoron?
    Generative AI tools like chatGPT and its peers have fundamentally challenged our trust in machines. ‘Hallucination’ is no longer merely a symptom of a human condition, it is the characterisation of the mismatch between human expectations for how machines should work and what generative AI is really about. At the same, media reports...
  • Strategy and decision-making in the era of artificial intelligence - from decision-making to exception-making
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is positioned to be the single most important factor in the increase of global value-creation in the coming decade. Although artificial intelligence has been around for decades, it was the launch of chatGPT in November 2022 that really shifted the paradigm. The current hype and hysteria around AI...
  • Digital is not (necessarily) sustainable
    We tend to think that everything digital is sustainable, because data flying around on the wireless internet don’t leave any footprints. Or perhaps they do…? In addition, generative AI and the quest for Artificial General Intelligence is proclaimed to be the solution to many of the major problems on the...
  • Blockchain
  • Quantum Computing
  • Big Data
  • Responsibility and Regulation in AI
  • Metaverse