Renowned CNN Business Correspondent
Authority on the Disruptive Digital Economy & Fintech Expert
Long Term Undercover US Federal Agent
The Corporate Philosopher, Advisor on Culture and Ethics to the UK’s Financial Reporting Council
Expert on “later life” and former UK Pensions Minister
Successful Indian Self-Help Author
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs Germany, Former Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Chairman of the Atlantik-Brücke e.V.
Winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Economics
Director of Economic Innovation at the Conference Board of Canada
Managing Director of Re-Define, economist, finance professional, and sustainability & development expert
Founder of IMD World Competitiveness Centre
Business and Economic Analyst
Professor of International Economics at the Brandeis International Business School
Senior Economic Adviser, HSBC
former Secretary-General of UNCTAD (2005-2013), former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (2002-2005) and former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
Global financial commentator and former BBC business anchor, thought leader on trends affecting the world economy
Executive Director, Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance, Associate Professor of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Director of the Financial Markets Program, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
Recent Minister of Finance for Germany
Distinguished Global Strategist, Economist and co-founder of the Monthly Barometer
German economist, who was chief economist of Deutsche Bank (2010-2012)
One of the UK's leading economists
Economist, Broadcaster and Senior Columnist, Financial Times
Expert for future competency and sustainable business
Global Economic Commentator