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Keynote SpeakerSoli Ozel

Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Istanbul Kadir Has University

Soli Ozel is a professor of international relations and political science at Istanbul Kadir Has University. Soli taught at U.C. Santa Cruz, SAIS, University of Washington, Hebrew University, and Bogazici University in Istanbul. He was a fellow at St. Antony’s College at Oxford in the spring of 2002, and he... Read more


Soli Ozel is a professor of international relations and political science at Istanbul Kadir Has University.

Soli taught at U.C. Santa Cruz, SAIS, University of Washington, Hebrew University, and Bogazici University in Istanbul. He was a fellow at St. Antony’s College at Oxford in the spring of 2002, and he was a senior visiting fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies in the fall of the same year.

Soli’s articles and opinion pieces appear in a wide variety of leading newspapers in Turkey and elsewhere around the world. Currently, he is a columnist for Haberturk newspaper, a frequent contributor to The Washington Post’s “Post Global”, and the former editor of the Turkish edition of Foreign Policy.

Most recently, he co-authored the report Rebuilding a Partnership: Turkish-American Relations For a New Era? with Dr. Suhnaz Yilmaz and Abdullah Akyuz.

He received his B.A. at Bennington College, M.A. from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley.

Popular Talks by Soli Ozel

  • Politics
  • International Relations