Smita Tharoor – Keynote Speaker

Award winning Global Diversity Leadership speaker, TEDx Speaker, Broadcaster, who helps you shape your narrative and make your own story

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Specialist Subjects

  • Are you conscious of your Unconscious Bias?
  • Be Brilliant and Resilient
  • Assertiveness-Building Confidence using NLP
  • Empowering Women in the Workplace
  • Success with Change
  • Cross Cultural Competence


  • English


Smita Tharoor is a Global Motivational Keynote Speaker. She is a Thought-Leader on the Unconscious Bias and how it influences us all. She has spoken at conferences globally, from Berlin to Philadelphia, Bangalore to Penang. Smita is an entertaining, erudite, dynamic, story teller who shows us how our personal narratives influence all the decisions we make. Among her topics are Emotional Resilience, Change Management, Leadership in times of uncertainty, Empowerment of Women in the workplace, as well as other similar topics all embedded by our unconscious bias.

She is a co-founder of Culturelytics, a company that uses Artificial Intelligence to understand culture in an organisation. She is the founder of Tharoor Associates, a Training, Coaching and Organisational Development company. A TEDx speaker, Smita is a broadcaster, trainer, coach, mentor, Mindfulness practitioner and Associate Lecturer.

In her podcast Stories Seldom Told, she has interviewed people around the world, sharing their stories and life-lessons on how they manage their unconscious biases. The stories include a transgender man in New Zealand, someone with 4th stage cancer in Delhi, a black man who is mistaken for white over the phone in London, a practising Iranian Muslim sharing stories of Islam and Jihad, our unconscious biases about the Kama Sutra, a gay dad in California, someone who lost 3 limbs in a landmine in Afghanistan and more. It is heard in 107 countries and currently has a global ranking in the top 5% of podcasts.

Smita is an associate lecturer at the University of Arts, London and at Jindal University, India. She is the recipient of the “Global Diversity Leadership” Award at the World HRD Congress. Smita is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner, Coach, Mentor and Mindfulness Practitioner.

Growing up in pluralistic India taught her the value of tolerance and the appreciation of accepting differences. She is passionate about the unconscious bias and how it impacts on all aspects of leadership development. Her experience working in the UK, India, Europe, Asia and the USA gives her a unique advantage in understanding the expectations and needs of different cultures.

Popular Talks by Smita Tharoor

Are you conscious of your Unconscious Bias?

You are a busy and hardworking manager working in the modern world. You often wonder whether you have time to think at all and along comes this fad encouraging you to be aware of your Unconscious Bias.

The term may be overly jargonistic for some, but it’s grounded in reality. This keynote is designed to allow participants to explore how they, and others around them, perceive situations and become aware of the need to use lateral thinking – to think outside ones “self-limiting box” and break down preconceived ideas. This interactive and practical talk allows people, in a safe environment, to both understand Unconscious Bias and develop strategies to ensure personal biases are effectively managed.

– Identifying personal and business reasons to tackle and minimise Unconscious Bias.
– Understanding organisational and individual biases and assessing their impact.
– Identifying strategies to minimise biases on key business decision-making.

Be Brilliant and Resilient

Thepandemic eliminated whatever structures we relied upon, destroying our routines, and attacking our emotional well-being. Naturally social, we humans seek constant touchpoints and hints of recognition and need the approval of fellow creatures. WFH and hybrid-working has heightened stress levels without the reassurance of seeing people with whom we work and trust face to face. Such times call for building strong emotional resilience.

Emotional intelligence is not just a desirable ‘soft skill’. Being emotionally resilient makes a real difference to performance, and ultimately, profit. Research indicates that our emotional quotient (EQ) can be a better indicator of workplace performance than IQ.

– Explore Self-Awareness – understanding how self-aware we currently are and providing an opportunity to develop this.
– Explore Self-Management – Learning to manage the voice in our heads, overcoming negative ‘self-talk’.
– Explore Self-Motivation – A look at how personal goals drive our self-motivation, how our beliefs, values and attitudes can affect our motivation and some valuable techniques for personal improvement.

Smita will use real-life case studies and share some real-life lessons on how we can all be more emotionally resilient.

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