Nicolas Bouzou is a French economist and essayist, and a professor of economics at the MBA Law & Management program, University of Paris II Assas. In 2006, Nicolas founded the leading economic consultancy firm Asterès which publishes economic studies for public actors and companies. He is also the creator of... Read More
Nicolas Bouzou is a French economist and essayist, and a professor of economics at the MBA Law & Management program, University of Paris II Assas.
In 2006, Nicolas founded the leading economic consultancy firm Asterès which publishes economic studies for public actors and companies.
He is also the creator of the Belém Circle, a think-tank that gathers together European progressive and liberal intellectuals. Its areas of work are related to growth, economic policy, territorial organisation and health.
In 2018, he becomes President of the “Rencontres de l’avenir”, a think tank organised in partnership with the city of Saint-Raphaël. The 2019 edition of the Rencontres de l’Avenir brought together some 30 speakers and more than 10,000 participants during three days of conferences.
Nicolas Bouzou is the author of several best-selling books. He is a regular contributor to major French economic newspapers (Le Figaro, Les Echos, L’Express, L’Opinion). He can be heard or seen frequently on the radio or on television.
Nicolas Bouzou was member of the Conseil d’Analyse de la Société, set up by the French Prime Minister (2010-2011). Since 2017, he is Chief economist of the French-German committee for cultural and creative industries.
He remains an active speaker who gives hundreds of conferences a year in France and across Europe.
In 2007, he published Petit précis d’économie appliquée à l’usage du citoyen pragmatique (« A manual of applied economics for pragmatic citizens »). He discusses the false reasons behind the stillness of the French economy and underlines its structural causes. These come down to over-regulation of the economic activity by an omnipotent state that penalizes growth and wealth creation. His book won the prestigious Turgot prize in 2008.
In his latest book published in 2017, “Le travail est l’avenir de l’homme”, Nicolas Bouzou addresses the fear of unemployment caused by robotics and AI. According to the French essayist, human labour is not going to disappear, it will evolve. Nicolas Bouzou affirms that “the most digital-advanced countries, like Denmark, Germany or South Korea, are also the closest to full employment”.
Nicolas Bouzou is a graduate from the Paris Dauphine University from the Institut d’Études Politiques with a Master’s in Finance.