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Keynote SpeakerNathalie Nahai

Expert in consumer behaviour, persuasive tech & marketing

Nathalie Nahai’s background in human behaviour, web design and the arts offer a unique vantage point from which to examine the complex challenges we face today. Her best-selling book, Webs Of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion has been adopted as the go-to manual by business leaders and universities alike, and her new book, Business Unusual: Values, Uncertainty and the Psychology of Brand Resilience, has been described as “One of the defining business books of our times”. A popular speaker,... Read More


Nathalie Nahai’s background in human behaviour, web design and the arts offer a unique vantage point from which to examine the complex challenges we face today. Her best-selling book, Webs Of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion has been adopted as the go-to manual by business leaders and universities alike, and her new book, Business Unusual: Values, Uncertainty and the Psychology of Brand Resilience, has been described as “One of the defining business books of our times”.

A popular speaker, consultant and facilitator to Fortune 500 companies, Nathalie also serves as a behavioural science advisor and helps organisations to ethically apply behavioural science principles to enhance their business. Having lectured at some of the world’s most prestigious institutions, Nathalie’s ability to ignite conversation and offer tools and strategies with which to harness human potential, has helped countless organisations transform how they approach business online, with clients including Google, Accenture, Unilever and Harvard Business Review, among others.

Having co-hosted the Guardian Tech Weekly, Nathalie now hosts the popular podcast, Nathalie Nahai In Conversation, which explores our relationship with one another, with technology, and with the natural world. She is also the founder of Flourishing Futures Salon, a project that curates gastronomical gatherings to help leaders explore how we can thrive in times of turbulence and change.

"Nathalie’s presentation at the Fujitsu Executive Discussion Evening was absolutely on-brief. She took the time to understand our objectives and the topic, and to customise her content. Her delivery was impeccable and she came across as wholly credible yet eminently likeable."
"Nathalie Nahai had a group of 500 of our sharpest, most plugged-in customers riveted as she delved into her fascinating research on why people share. You can tell when a person is a born performer, and Nathalie has that extra something that makes it impossible not to give her your undivided attention."
"Nathalie has a deep expertise and understanding of what motivates web users and how interactive design can enhance (rather than detract from) one’s online experience. She also has a delightful and engaging style that allows her to connect with large audiences and keep them arrested throughout her presentation… It’s a rare skill indeed."
"Nathalie's session was the highest rated session at the entire event. Her topics fit our business needs really well - marketing thought leadership, interesting perspectives on how to influence human behaviour in the digital world, and why personalization and authenticity are key. There are tons of people who can talk about shopping behaviour or brand loyalty but I hadn't seen any that came from the psychological perspective and whose talk track fit nearly as well into our conference themes."
"A supremely charismatic and knowledgeable speaker, she’s exactly what we were looking for in a keynote speaker and she exceeded our extremely high expectations."
"Nathalie was one of the best rated speakers at our conference. She is passionate, engaging and has great knowledge to share."

Popular Talks by Nathalie Nahai

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  • Marketing & Machine: Building trust, integrity & brand loyalty in an age of AI
    As marketers and businesses turn to AI to optimise their communication strategies, how can we harness technology, creativity, and deep psychological know-how to craft powerful stories and marketing messages that actually capture people’s attention? Drawing upon a unique fusion of tech, psychology, and marketing expertise, this talks reveals how to...
  • Business Unusual: The psychology behind resilient brands
    In the face of so much volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, and with so much of our communication now online, how can organisations adapt to rapidly changing consumer behaviours and expectations, in order to future-proof their brand and reputation?   In this talk, we’ll explore the role of trust and...
  • The secret psychology of resonant communication
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  • The psychological principles behind persuasive platforms
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  • Smart personalisation using the Big 5 personality traits
    Why are some headlines, videos and pieces of content so much more persuasive than others? And how can we use smart personalisation to ethically enhance experiences for our customers? In this presentation, we’ll explore how you can use the golden standard for personality profiling, The Big Five, to design persuasive...
  • UX, loyalty & trust in financial markets
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  • The secret psychology behind resilient brands
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  • The psychology behind resonant communication
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  • Smart personalisation using the Big 5 personality traits
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