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Keynote SpeakerKatja Schipperheijn

Author, learning strategist and keynote speaker with a passion for continuous improvement through human-centred innovations that support learning

Katja Schipperheijn is an international award-winning author, strategist, futurist, lecturer, keynote speaker and learning influencer. Her expertise focuses on AI and pioneering innovations that create a human-machine symbiosis, allowing infinite learning ecosystems to flourish. In doing so, she advocates a learning mindset at personal, team and corporate levels to thrive and shape a sustainable future for all. Global Woman Leadership Award for AI (Dubai 2024) Global Woman Leadership Speaker Award (Dubai 2024) Finalist Learning Ecosystems Best International Business Books (London... Read More


Katja Schipperheijn is an international award-winning author, strategist, futurist, lecturer, keynote speaker and learning influencer. Her expertise focuses on AI and pioneering innovations that create a human-machine symbiosis, allowing infinite learning ecosystems to flourish. In doing so, she advocates a learning mindset at personal, team and corporate levels to thrive and shape a sustainable future for all.

  • Global Woman Leadership Award for AI (Dubai 2024)
  • Global Woman Leadership Speaker Award (Dubai 2024)
  • Finalist Learning Ecosystems Best International Business Books (London 2023)

Her provocative ideas challenge traditional dogmas and offer fresh perspectives. In doing so, she aims to inspire everyone to adapt and embrace learning before they suffer irreversible damage. Because AI and other innovations are already ubiquitous, affecting organisations and their employees with unprecedented speed.

To incite change, she does not shy away from hypes and discusses the impact of what now seem futuristic, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) or hyper-realistic avatars that make deepfaking child’s play. For this, she also explores the intersection of technology and humanity and its impact on our society. In doing so, she emphasises the importance of deep human competencies such as imagination, curiosity, empathy and resilience to respond resiliently to change. She explores the similarities between neuroscience and computer science to optimise the learning of both human and artificial intelligence. Real human connections are paramount in shaping the future of work, which is why she often draws her inspiration from the future as seen through the eyes of children.

Besides advising governments, multinationals, educational institutions and start-ups, Katja is also a philanthropist as founder of sCooledu and author of Little Digital Citizens (Dutch 2018). More than 15,000 children have already participated in her workshops on the future and the increasingly virtual world. This shows her commitment to social responsibility and the importance of promoting digital literacy among young people. By booking Katja for an event, you not only get valuable insights but also support a good cause.

As an author, Katja received international recognition with her book Learning Ecosystems (2023) finalist best international business books in London and included in the Top 100 best international business books by the eLearning Journal in Germany. This book will therefore be available in 2024 in several languages, including Arabic.

2024 will also see the publication of her latest book The Learning Mindset: Combining Human Competencies with Technology to Thrive.


"Amazing Keynote!! So good that our main stakeholders where commenting there praises of you to each other even during and not after! Thank you so much for taking part of this Katja and I’m really happy that we had you for the last week as you preffered, defenitely turned some heads!" Senior Manager Open Innovation and Partnerships — United Kingdom
"Katja’s session was incredibly practical and insightful. People loved it, and it made a significant impact on their learning experience. Her insights and expertise truly resonated with our audience, and her presentation style was engaging and informative. Her contribution to the Masterclass including a tailored keynote has left a lasting impression.” Director People and Culture MCI Group — The Netherlands
"A great Keynote Katja. The importance of fostering a learning mindset can’t be overstated, especially in today’s fast-paced world where innovation is key! It’s inspiring to see how emerging technologies can support and enhance this process. This not only benefits individuals in their personal growth but also contributes significantly to organisational success. A win win!" CEO and Co-founder CLO100 — United Kingdom
"If you’re looking for a keynote that goes beyond superficial conversations and dives deep into the heart of what it means to be human in an increasingly digital world, this is it. Dogmas and silos about HR and learning are demolished yet she brings a constructive story to build a learning ecosystem from human-centered innovation. It is a transformative experience that will broaden your horizons, challenge your perspectives and remind you of the power of empathy. Prepare to be captivated, enlightened and inspired!" Associate Professor Zayad University and founder Know Digital — Dubai
"Your intervention at the Netex Salon was amazing. This morning, when I woke up I didn’t think that we would be talking about something that for me is as important as children to improve as a person, so thank you for saying it with the naturalness and certainty with which you did it! I believe that imagination and creativity are key elements that make us unique and that can never be taken away from us by machines. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of calm, transformation, self-management and curiosity in this ever-evolving world. I hope to have the opportunity to talk to you more about this at some point." L&D Project Manager at ADEO Group — Spain
"A couple of days ago, I had the privilege of attending the Toyota Tech Conference where Katja Schipperheijn was an esteemed speaker. She captivated the audience with her perspective on how lessons from children could be applied to shape the future of our workplaces. Katja, your thought-provoking insights and innovative approach to reimagining the work process were truly inspirational. My heartfelt gratitude for enlightening us and instilling a fresh perspective on our professional journey." Head of Business Technology Department at Toyota Caucasus LLC — Georgia

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