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Keynote SpeakerJean-Gabriel Ganascia

Staying Human in a Transhuman World

Initially trained as an engineer and philosopher, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia turned early to computer science and artificial intelligence. He received a Ph.D. on knowledge-based systems in 1983 and a Thèse d’État on symbolic machine learning in 1987, both from the University of Paris-Saclay. He is currently Professor of Computer Science at... Read more


Initially trained as an engineer and philosopher, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia turned early to computer science and artificial intelligence. He received a Ph.D. on knowledge-based systems in 1983 and a Thèse d’État on symbolic machine learning in 1987, both from the University of Paris-Saclay. He is currently Professor of Computer Science at the Sorbonne University. He continues his research in artificial intelligence at LIP6 (Laboratory of Computer Science of the Sorbonne University) where he leads the ACASA team, i.e. Cognitive Agents and Symbolic Machine Learning.

A specialist in data mining and machine learning, his current research activities focus on literary aspects of digital humanities, computational philosophy and the ethics of the digital. In the past, he directed the Programme de Recherche Coordonné “sciences cognitives” (1992-1994) before creating and directing the Scientific Interest Group “sciences de la cognition” (1995-2001), which financed the cognitive science activities of the French Ministry of Research, CNRS, Inria, CEA and INRETS teams. He then created and directed the Labex OBVIL (2011-2021), which coordinated the efforts of computer scientists at LIP6 and literary teams at the Sorbonne on the literary side of digital humanities.

Jean-Gabriel Ganascia is a EurAI Fellow (, a member of the board of directors of MURS (Mouvement Universel pour la Responsabilité Scientifique) and of the CNPEN-CCNE which is the Ethics subcommittee on digital ethics of the CCNE (French National Ethics Committee). He is also the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the CHEC (Cycle des Hautes Études de la Culture), a higher education program designed is to provide top civil servants with a thorough grounding in current cultural policies and challenges, Chairman of the Ethics Committee of “Pôle Emploi” that is the French national employment agencies and Chairman of the AFAS (“Association Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences”) that is one of the oldest French scientific associations. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia has also been Chairman of the CNRS ethics committee (COMETS) between 2016 and 2021.

During his career, he has published more than 500 articles in conference proceedings, books and scientific journals. He is also the author of a dozen books for the general public, the latest of which, entitled “Servitudes virtuelles”, has been published by Éditions du Seuil in March 2022.

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