James Lindsay is a crisis manager, resilience expert and programme manager who stepped in as the Head of Crisis Management for Cambridge Analytica during the Facebook scandal. He is a former Regular and then Reserve British Army officer who attended Staff College at the UK Defence Academy. He then trained... Read more
James Lindsay is a crisis manager, resilience expert and programme manager who stepped in as the Head of Crisis Management for Cambridge Analytica during the Facebook scandal.
He is a former Regular and then Reserve British Army officer who attended Staff College at the UK Defence Academy. He then trained as a management consultant at PwC before becoming an independent consultant. At PwC Lindsay specialised in Programme Management and was the EMEA lead for Business Continuity Planning.
Lindsay was one of the team of three PwC staff who successfully brought Equitable Life through the Guaranteed Annuity (GAR) disaster.
As an independent consultant James Lindsay has worked for numerous large blue chip organisations both on major regulatory and resilience projects and programmes.