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Keynote SpeakerAndrea Iorio

Former Head of Tinder in Brazil & LATAM. Renowned expert on Digital Transformation, Innovation and Leadership

Andrea is one of the most requested keynote speakers about Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Leadership and Customer-centricity globally, and he shares his thoughts and ideas at the intersection of business, technology, philosophy and neuroscience in his more than 100 keynotes per year to many Fortune 500 companies such as Abbott,... Read more


Andrea is one of the most requested keynote speakers about Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Leadership and Customer-centricity globally, and he shares his thoughts and ideas at the intersection of business, technology, philosophy and neuroscience in his more than 100 keynotes per year to many Fortune 500 companies such as Abbott, Bayer, Cargill, Dow, IBM, Roche, Syngenta, Tetrapak and more.

He is a columnist at the MIT Technology Review Brazil, the official host of NVIDIA’s podcast in Brazil, counts with more than 100k followers on Social Media, and has been ranked among the 15 main global AI influencers on Linkedin by Taplio. He speaks frequently at high-profile conferences such as the AI Summit by Informa Tech, InsureTech Connect by Clarion Events and the Banking Transformation Summit by MoneyNext.

He holds more than 10 years of experience in multinational and tech companies: he was the Head of Tinder across Latin America for 5 years, and Chief Digital Officer at L’Oréal Brazil. He is an economist with a Degree from Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), and a MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins’ SAIS (Washington, DC), and is now an MBA professor at Fundação Dom Cabral.

He is the author of 3 books in Portuguese: “6 Competências para Surfar na Transformação Digital”, “O futuro não é mais como antigamente”, and “Metanoia Lab: lições sobre competências humanas na era digital”: the first one reached the n. 1 position on Amazon in the People Management and Leadership sections in Brazil. He just published his first book in English: “Meta-leadership: the new leader’s skill set for the world of AI and Web3”, available in bookstores globally.

Popular Talks by Andrea Iorio

  • The 3 new pillars of a digital leader
    The leadership style that brought us here, legacy of a pre-digital world, is not the one that will help our companies move forward. The question for leaders is: are you changing as fast as the world is changing? It is a fact the world has changed, and the future is...
  • A new Skillset for the Digital Transformation
    In the world of ongoing digital transformations, technology is a means, not an end. We are primarily talking about a human transformation. In this keynote, which is Andrea’s best-seller, he addresses the main skills necessary for teams of all sectors and departments to be able to reinvent themselves and to...
  • "Meta-leadership": The Leadership Skillset in the World of Web 3.0
    In this new wave of Web 3.0, where start-ups and DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) grow exponentially and outperform traditional companies in market valuation, it is a fact that the traditional leadership style, inherited from a pre-digital world, no longer works. The elements that the Metaverse brings to business (remote work,...
  • Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence
    Until recently, in a predominantly non-digital world, the intelligence of an employee or leader was measured primarily by their IQ. But in a world where technology already performs many of these “rational” tasks better than we do (think about whether an Artificial Intelligence isn’t rationally smarter than a human being?),...
  • The 3 Pillars of the "Invisible Marketing"
    In this keynote, Andrea discusses the trends and strategies that have been revolutionizing marketing strategy in the Digital Age. Using the case of Tinder, of which he was the Head in Latin America for 5 years, and of other successful companies, he reveals how the platform reached the top of...
  • How to Boost Sales in a Digital World
    The question that every salesperson asks himself, in face of the Digital Transformation, is: “Will I continue to be relevant? What will my new role be? Will technology replace me?”. These are appropriate questions to ask, given the profound changes that the Digital world has introduced in sales and customer...
  • Antifragility and Error Culture
    In the Digital world, just being resilient is no longer enough: we need to be antifragile. Resilience comes from the Latin word resilire, which means “returning to a normal state”: in a world where we experiment more, and fail more as a consequence, organizations and leaders cannot just return to...
  • The Future of Work and Jobs of the Future
    A recent report by Dell Technologies points out that “85% of the jobs that will exist in 2035 haven’t even been invented yet”. The question then becomes: am I part of the 15% that will keep their job, or not? And besides all of this, how do I prepare for...
  • Building Trust in Remote Work Settings
    Trust is a true social lubricant. Think about it: without trust there would be no relationships, no trade, no business, since you would notu collaborate if you don’t have trust… you wouldn’t even have any functioning human s At the same time, building trust has suddenly become more challenging, as...
  • 10 Trends in the Post-pandemic World
    In a world where the combination of digital acceleration forced by the pandemic, and the profound changes in customer expectations in all sectors, have brought about a high degree of unpredictability when designing your business strategies, Andrea highlights in this lecture the top 10 trends that emerged in the post-pandemic...
  • Future on Fast-Forward: Embracing Disruption in the World of Artificial Intelligence
    The keynote begins by providing an overview of the rapidly changing business landscape. It sets the stage by examining global macrotrends, emerging technologies, and evolving customer and consumer behaviors that are reshaping all kinds of industries. From there, the keynote moves into the first pillar: what’s next with technology, particularly...
  • Experienc.AI: how AI boosts Customer Experience
    In this keynote, Andrea Iorio delves into the ever-evolving landscape driven by advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the necessity of adapting to emerging consumer behavior trends in the digital era. Drawing from his extensive experience in the field, he highlights how consumers are rapidly shaping their expectations and behaviors...